quarta-feira, setembro 17, 2008

Empurrando a Alma

Photo (c) Sylvia Henel

Se houver um tempo de retorno, eu volto. 

 Subirei, empurrando a alma com o meu sangue por labirintos e paradoxos 

até inundar novamente o coração. 

 (Terei, quem sabe, o mesmo ardor de antigamente).  

domingo, setembro 07, 2008

It Seems Like Old Times

Annie and I broke up and I still can't get my mind around that. You know, I keep sifting the pieces of the relationship through my mind and-and examining my life and trying to figure out where did the screw-up come, you know, and a year ago we were in love. And it's funny… I'm not a morose type. I'm not a depressive character. Annie had moved back to New York. She was living in SoHo with some guy. We had lunch sometime and just kicked around old times.

Diane Keaton - It Seems Like Old Times
(c) Carmen Lombardo and John Jacob Loeb

Seems like old times, having you to walk with 
Seems like old times, having you to talk with 
And it's still a thrill just to have my arms around you 
Still the thrill that it was the day I found you 
Seems like old times, dinner dates and flowers 
Just like old times, staying up for hours
Making dreams come true, doing things we used to do 
Seems like old times being here with you 
Seems like old times, dinner dates and flowers 
Just like old times, staying up for hours 
Making dreams come true, doing things we used to do 
Seems like old times being here with you 
Being here with you